

Does fever damage the heart? No!

Many irrational parents take antipyretics for their children when the temperature is less than 37.8 degree, which is a sign of "fever phobia". In order to dispel parents' fear of fever, the American Academy of Pediatrics' guidelines on "Fever and Fever Reducing Drugs in Children" emphasize that fever is not a primary pathogen cause, but ...

Can fever harm the children?

Fever in children often manifests itself as lethargy and a red face. Therefore, parents worry about that such a serious manifestation may indicate sever harm to their children. Actually, fever can make children feel uncomfortable, it is not proven that fever can cause harm to children except in a state of persistent febrile convulsion and ...

How to deal with continuous high fever in children?

Alternating or combining fever-reducing medications increases the risk of drug misuse and overdose.Medical authorities do not recommend combining or alternating fever-reducing medications.If necessary, acetaminophen and ibuprofen should be taken at least 6-8 hours apart. And the problem that arises, what should I do when children's temperature exceeds 39 degrees with less than the minimum interval ...

Should I alternate antipyretic or not?

There is a real controversy about alternating acetaminophen and ibuprofen in children with high fever.However, in recent years, antipyretic reuse is no longer recommended by medical authorities. The latest edition of Nielsen Pediatrics still clearly recommends that to reduce fever most safely, the caregiver should choose 1 type of medication and clearly record the dose ...

How to dress your children when they have the fever?

Clarify the principles of dressing firstly The same principle of "making your children as comfortable as possible" when dealing with a fever applies to dressing.During a fever, the body temperature will rise, maintain and fall in three stages, and the whole process may be repeated. During the rising phase, when your children feel cold with ...

Why not use Metamizole to reduce fever?

Metamizole is an ampyrone sulfonate analgesic (pain reliever), antispasmodic (spasm reliever) and antipyretic (fever reducer) similar to paracetamol in that it has minimal anti-inflammatory effects and which is most commonly given orally or parenterally (by injection) to prevent and treat pain related to surgery or for the treatment of acute pain. It was first invented ...

Can I wrap my child's head in a diaper to reduce a fever?

Wrapping a diaper soaked in water and frozen on child's head when my baby has a fever is this a recommended practice? Diapers have so much advantages of being cheap, clean, soft and comfortable, especially it is large enough,that its physical cooling effect is definitely better than that of a fever-reducing patch if it would ...

Do antipyretic patches reduce a fever?

Antipyretic patches can remove heat by the evaporation of water vapor from the hydrogel to reduce fever, which is essentially a form of physical cooling. Actually,physical cooling has little effect on reducing fever.Currently,the Nielsen Pediatrics clearly states that physical cooling is ineffective, the British and Canadian guidelines do not recommend warm water baths, and the ...

Can I wipe my body with warm water to reduce the fever?

Fever is the body's defensive response to illness. Merely reducing a fever is not the purpose of dealing with a fever. During the phrase of rising body temperature for fever, wiping the body with warm water to lower temperature will make children that in a state of chills more uncomfortable. During the phrase of high ...

Is physical cooling the first choice for children with fever?

No medical authority recommend physical cooling as the preferred way to defervesce, why is that?The American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines [1] emphasize that unless ultra-hyperpyrexia,fever itself is not harmful to the child, and it even facilitates the fight against infection. It is thought that when the temperature exceeds 39°C, children will feel unwell. Conversely, when ...

Can the child's fever heal itself?

There are many causes of fever in children, such as infection, inflammation, tumor, and immuno-metabolic diseases may cause fever, but most of them are infection, among which viral infections are the most common.The most pediatric diseases caused by viral infections, such as colds, influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, rotavirus enteritis, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, herpes pharyngitis, and exanthema subitum, ...