

Do children with febrile convulsions need a cranial CT scan?

Many medical professionals even have the misconception that children with febrile convulsions should routinely take cranial CT scan to rule out intracranial infections or other lesions. The 2011 American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines stated that current data do not support taking neuroimaging tests in children with febrile convulsions, even CT scan can increase children's radiation ...

What should parents do for febrile convulsions?

What are febrile convulsions? Febrile convulsions are fever-induced cramps which occur mostly during the temperature rise stage and literally whenever the body temperature is above 38 degrees. However,the pathogenesis of febrile convulsions is not clear, studies suggest that they are mainly controlled by genes. In addition, febrile convulsions occur most often in children between 6 ...

What should I do if my child has a febrile convulsion?

How to deal with pediatric febrile convulsions? It is a long-standing misconception to stuff hard objects into the mouth of a child with a febrile convulison to avoid biting the tongue. Literally, children rarely bite themselves during febrile convulsions, and not only is there no benefit of taking such treatment, but forcing a hard object ...

Can febrile convulsions occur if antipyretic medication is not administered early during a fever?

Febrile convulsions in children is the complication of high fever, some parents naturally believe that early temperature control will prevent febrile convulsions from occurring. Can antipyretic prevent febrile convulsions? The above conclusion based on logical assumptions need to be scientifically verified.However, the result is that neither acetaminophen [1] nor ibuprofen [2] can reduce the risk ...