What is the recommendation when your child has a cough?


Q: What is the recommendation when your child has a cough?
A: Doctor and time.

Cough is a protective reflex of body, so the most important thing is to identify the cause of it.

While most coughs are caused by viral infections of the respiratory tract and are usually self-resolving, a few are caused by diseases of asthma, pneumonia, or foreign bodies in the airways, which can lead to a bad outcome.

If parents suspect that a cough is not caused by a cold, while they cannot accurately determine it by themselves, they need to seek professional medical help, who will take different treatment plans for different causes to avoid delay of the illness.

If the cough is caused by a cold, which is most commonly caused by a viral infection, what is needed is time. Cough is an important way to help the body clear inflammatory secretions and expel pathogens from the respiratory tract, so it will disappear naturally while waiting for the illness to heal itself.

Parents also need to get their child to a doctor promptly if he or she develops a persistent high fever, shortness of breath, or other abnormalities during the course of the illness.


Should I take honey directly or diluted for my child with a cough?

Both of them are available. First of all, it is not necessary for your child with a cough to drink honey. The most important thing is to find the cause of the cough and treat it rather than blindly stopping it. Suppressing the cough is not conducive to recovery. If your child's persistent dry cough ...

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Of course. Cough syrup mainly contains opioids such as dextromethorphan, codeine or opioid powder, which are absorbed into the bloodstream by the gastrointestinal tract and then act on the cough center of the brain through the blood-brain barrier to stop coughing by inhibiting the cough center. Another ingredient in syrup is sugar, which also has ...