Why not use Metamizole to reduce fever?


Metamizole is an ampyrone sulfonate analgesic (pain reliever), antispasmodic (spasm reliever) and antipyretic (fever reducer) similar to paracetamol in that it has minimal anti-inflammatory effects and which is most commonly given orally or parenterally (by injection) to prevent and treat pain related to surgery or for the treatment of acute pain.

It was first invented by Germans in 1920 then introduced into clinical use in Germany in 1922,and for many years it was available over-the-counter in most countries,until its toxicities became apparent, although in some countries it is available over-the-counter, its use is usually restricted in developed countries, due to its potential for hematological side effects,especially causing the risk of granulocytopenia.

About the side effects:

Granulocytes is a type of white blood cell, and the decrease in them can cause a decrease in immunity and an increased risk of infection. According to the instructions, the risk of granulocyte deficiency from using metamizole is 1.1%. In addition, metamizole may cause a variety of blood system diseases-autoimmune hemolysis, thrombocytopenic purpura, aplastic anemia, etc.

How to reduce fever safely?

There are many relatively safe antipyretic and analgesic drugs on the market, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, which become better alternative medicines.

What's more, fever does not cause any harm other than discomfort in children, and it is obviously not worth the risk of granulocyte deficiency or even the disease of aplastic anemia just to relieve the discomfort of fever.

If a doctor insists on prescribing metamizole to reduce fever, we as parents should refuse to use it. As an alternative, we can make our children drink enough water, and under the case of reducing fever and pain, we can go for acetaminophen or ibuprofen.


6 Q&A about fever

Q: Is the higher the body temperature in fever, the more serious the disease? A: Not really. Firstly, the higher the temperature of a child within 6 months of age, the higher the risk of serious disease However, the high temperature is not proportional to the severity of the disease, and the change in the ...

Will the body temperature get higher without antipyretic drugs?

As is well-know, fever itself is not dangerous to the body unless its temperature exceed 41℃ or above or leading to the persistent state with fever convulsions. If we don't use antipyretic drugs for children yet, will the temperature continue to rise to 42℃ or even higher, which will result in danger? No, it will ...

Ten mistakes about fever

I. Fever is a disease Fever is not a disease actually, but the physical manifestation of a disease – that is symptom. There are many diseases including infectious and non-infectious diseases that may cause fever. Antipyretic drugs can bring down the body temperature, which does not mean that the disease is cured. ii. the degree ...