Can the child's fever heal itself?


There are many causes of fever in children, such as infection, inflammation, tumor, and immuno-metabolic diseases may cause fever, but most of them are infection, among which viral infections are the most common.The most pediatric diseases caused by viral infections, such as colds, influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, rotavirus enteritis, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, herpes pharyngitis, and exanthema subitum, start with fever as the main symptom. There are no miracle antiviral drugs for these viruses, so most childhood viral infections are self-limited diseases.

Before the birth of modern medicine, our ancestors also relied on self-healing to have lived and thrived.However, with the development of modern medicine and multiplied drugs,cure rate of diseases,chances of surviving as well as average life expectancy are gradually improving.

People can get sick without suffering as much as their ancestors did. The invention of anesthetic allow us to relieve pain during trauma or surgery.Similarly, antipyretic alleviate the pain of patients with high fever. As it has been proven that the rational use of antipyretic like acetaminophen and ibuprofen is safe, and authoritative medical institutions such as the American Academy of Pediatrics have recommended that the use of antipyretic when children have unbearable pain of fevers.

However, we should acknowledge that in addition to most common self-limited viral infections that cause fever, others are terrible diseases,such as viral encephalitis, infectious diseases like meningitis and sepsis, or inflammatory diseases like Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome and malignant diseases like tumors and leukemia. Rotavirus enteritis make a child in dehydration shock, influenza and viral pneumonia cause respiratory failure in children, and hand-foot-mouth disease can kill a child from myocarditis and encephalitis. On the other hand, modern medicine does not recommend the use of antipyretics at the onset of fever, but only when the child's temperature exceeds 39 degrees or accompanied other symptoms.

Children under 3 months of age should go to the hospital if they have a fever immediately .Children older than 3 months of age should also go to the hospital if they have have been in a poor mental state. Also, if one of the following occurs, you should seek medical attention immediately:

  • 1. If your child has a fever accompanied by symptoms such as headache, stiff neck, convulsions, sore throat, earache, rash or bruises on the body, recurrent vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
  • 2.Children under 2 years of age with a fever lasting more than 24 hours.
  • 3.Children over 2 years of age with a fever lasting more than 3 days.
  • 4. Any age with a body temperature repeatedly exceeding 40°C.

Unless the child is less than 3 months old, it is not recommended to go to the hospital as soon as the fever breaks.It is advisable to wait for fever to heal itself,but one should not wait blindly; parents need to know how to observe.

Proclaiming self-healing therapy without injections or medication meets the so-called expectation of “green therapy” in many people's minds, but this is absurd.

We need to know that, on the one hand, modern medicine is the Advantageousoption that will give the child the greatest probability to cure of all options, whether or not he has a self-limited viral infection.On the other hand, modern medicine help human to evolve by allowing those who cannot survive to survive and those who can survive to live better. Natural selection of the fittest is indeed beneficial to the evolution of mankind as a whole, but only by eliminating a portion of the population that has not withstood the selection.

Under the unsound medical system, the health of people is still much better than when there is a lack of medical care system.Blind faith in "green therapy" make your child stay away from medical help and under natural selection, so that the child would accept the unfair race passively,It is more likely to be that other children won, your child was eliminated by nature.


6 Q&A about fever

Q: Is the higher the body temperature in fever, the more serious the disease? A: Not really. Firstly, the higher the temperature of a child within 6 months of age, the higher the risk of serious disease However, the high temperature is not proportional to the severity of the disease, and the change in the ...

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