Can I wrap my child's head in a diaper to reduce a fever?


Wrapping a diaper soaked in water and frozen on child's head when my baby has a fever is this a recommended practice?

Diapers have so much advantages of being cheap, clean, soft and comfortable, especially it is large enough,that its physical cooling effect is definitely better than that of a fever-reducing patch if it would have been wrapped in your child's head after wetted it with cold water.But it is not recommended.

On the one hand, the purpose of dealing with fever is to improve comfort of the children, which is not to simply bring down the body temperature.Since physical cooling is not recommended by authorities,even a full-body bath with water can only drop a little bit of temperature for a short time.

More to the point, fever is an active process initiated by the body and the key to reducing fever is to cope with the cause of the fever. For a child who is having a fever, the more effective cooling down the temperature passively, the greater the discomfort will be if the causative factors are not removed.

Wrapping the head in a frozen diaper is a much more efficient way to reducing the temperature than the antipyretic patch, but it should not be used to reduce a child's fever.


6 Q&A about fever

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