How to deal with continuous high fever in children?


Alternating or combining fever-reducing medications increases the risk of drug misuse and overdose.Medical authorities do not recommend combining or alternating fever-reducing medications.If necessary, acetaminophen and ibuprofen should be taken at least 6-8 hours apart.

And the problem that arises, what should I do when children's temperature exceeds 39 degrees with less than the minimum interval between doses?

Firstly, looking.

Looking at the children's physical and mental condition, whether there is irritability, crying or other signs of discomfort.

Different children have different tolerable temperatures for fever. If children are in good spirits, regardless of whether the temperature exceeds 39 degrees, there is no need for taking medication neither for repeated medication use to pursue the normal body temperature.

Secondly, waiting.

If children show signs of irritability, crying and other discomfort within 6-8 hours after medication, it is also recommended to wait for the shortest interval before repeated medication use.The alternating or combining medication can not improve the children's comfort expect for enhancing the cooling effect.If not waiting for the minimum interval time, the risk of liver and kidney damage will greatly increases.

Finally, sending.

Seeking medical attention in time according to the situation.Children within 3 months of age with a fever are recommended to go to the hospital, children between 3 and 6 months of age with a temperature over 39 degrees are also recommended to go to the hospital.When children over 6 months of age with the ordinary fever,parents do not need to be overly nervous about temperature changes.It all depends they can go to the hospital for seek the medical professional advice to ease concerns.


6 Q&A about fever

Q: Is the higher the body temperature in fever, the more serious the disease? A: Not really. Firstly, the higher the temperature of a child within 6 months of age, the higher the risk of serious disease However, the high temperature is not proportional to the severity of the disease, and the change in the ...

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