Will the body temperature get higher without antipyretic drugs?


As is well-know, fever itself is not dangerous to the body unless its temperature exceed 41℃ or above or leading to the persistent state with fever convulsions. If we don't use antipyretic drugs for children yet, will the temperature continue to rise to 42℃ or even higher, which will result in danger?

No, it will not.

Body temperature is controlled by the thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus. Thermoregulatory center normally sets the temperature setting point at about 37°C to keep the relatively constant body temperature, while it will set the temperature higher because of the infection invade in body, which lead to a fever.

In fact, the temperature center does not raise the temperature setting point uncontrollably, but rarely exceeds 41°C while does not exceed 42°C. This is due to a "glass ceiling" effect of fever. This effect originates from the body's self-protection mechanism. The current research suggests that the principle of this effect may be related to hypothalamic neurons of regulating body temperature, or to some anti-pyrogenic substances.

The existence of an upper temperature limit for fever is clinically and experimentally proven, therefore the body temperature will not rise uncontrollably until it do damage to the children with no antipyretic drugs taken.

There are special cases, although the ultra-high fever with the temperature of more than 41 ℃rare, it does exist. This may be due to a problem with the thermoregulatory center of certain drugs or an intracranial stroke.

Another explanation is that the external environment is too hot, such as exposure to the sun, or covering the heat, which leading to the body heat of receiving or generating more heat than dissipating. When a failure of normal thermoregulatory function occurs or the high environmental temperature causes a super high fever, antipyretic drugs will not work.

The role of antipyretic drugs is only to reduce fever and relieve pain, while the body temperature will not rise uncontrollably. At this case, excessive application of antipyretic drugs will not affect the progression of the disease itself.


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